More of a shop project (technically a basement project) but it's wood so I decided to post it up anyway. I've been looking for a bin organizer for awhile but I haven't been able to find one (even used) that was at a price I was willing to pay. I stumbled across these steel panels for the bins that were pretty cheap though, and thought I could build a stand for them with the pine 2x4s that have been sitting in my basement since we moved. This is the result. The back is held together with half-laps, with the crosspieces positioned so had enough wood to drill in to on each panel. I left the vertical pieces long at the bottom to act as tenons and to give me a place to put addition levelers. Pine Bin Organizer Back The base it constructed with some big ol' box joints, as well as half-lapped stabilizers and through tenon middle supports for the back. Pine Bin Organizer Base I made these on the table saw using a big box joint jig. F...