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Black Locust Plant Stands

Last month saw me clean up and sand the cherry end tables, and then begin the finishing. That finished up yesterday and I hope to take some pictures of them once I get the tops attached and the drawer knobs installed.

Once those moved out of Technocopia I picked up the plant stand project again. I started these last year but they got put on the back-burner for Christmas projects. The plan is to make two, four-shelf plant stands. They'll be indoor/outdoor, and the shelves will be slatted for easy outdoor watering. I'm using Black Locust for them as my BiL was able to secure a big pile of it for cheap, plus it's super rot resistant.

3/8 Shelves
3/8 Shelves

My initial plan was to use a router bit to cut the slat reliefs and then glue everything together. Black Locust is also super dense and after trying it on one slat I decided I needed a different approach. So I cut 4 strips down, cut some 1/4" spacers and then tried glueing them together. That seemed a lot easier, albeit a little fiddly getting everything aligned. I'm using polyurethane glue though so I've got a decent amount of work time. I've got 5 of the 8 shelves done now, so nearly there. The shelves get narrower the higher up they go, starting at 14" and ending at 8".


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